La quiropráctica es una disciplina de la medicina que se enfoca en el diagnóstico y…
Referencias y Casos de Fibromialgia

Referencias y Casos de Fibromialgia
Aaron LA, Bradley LA, Alarcon GS. Perceived Physical and Emotional Trauma as Precipitating Events in Fibromyalgia Associations with Health Care Seeking and Disability Status but Not Pain Severity. Arthritis Rheum 1997 Mar; 40(3): 453-60.
Amalu,W.:Upper Cervical Management of Primary Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Cases. Today’s Chiropractic,May 2000.
Arky, R., et al., Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR). Montvale, NJ. Medical Economics Data Production Co., 2003.
Buskia D, Neumann L, Vaisberg, G. Increased Rates of Fibromyalgia Following Cervical Spine Injury. A Controlled Study of 161 Cases of Traumatic Injury. Arthritis Rheum 1997,March 40(3): 446-52.
Ericsen, K: Upper Cervical Subluxation Complex – A Review of the Chiropractic and Medical Literature. Baltimore,MD, Lippincott,Williams & Wilkins, 2004.
Freeman R. et al.Does CFS Involve the Autonomic Nervous System? American Journal of Medicine. 102: 357-364, 1997.
Guyton, A. and Hall, J.: Textbook of Medical Physiology. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., 2000.
Martinez-Lavin M. et al. Circadian Studies of Autonomic Nervous Balance in Patients with Fibromyalgia: A Heart Rate Variability Analysis. Arthritis Rheum 1998 Nov 41 (11): 1996- 71.
Mountz J.M. et al. Abnormal Functional Activity of the Central Nervous System in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: American Journal of Medical Science 1998 Jun; 315 (6): 385-96.
Pioro-Boisset M., Esdaile J.M., Fitzcharles M.A. Alternative Medicine in Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Arthritis Care Research. Feb 9, 1996.
Romano TJ. Clinical Experiences with Post-traumatic Fibromyalgia Syndrome. WV Med J 1990 May; 86(5): 198-202.
Salit IE. Precipitating Factors for the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. J Psychiatr res 1997 Jan-Feb; 31(1): 59-65.
Tierney, L.M., et al.: Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2005, 44th Edition. New York, NY, Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2005.
White KP, Carette S, Harth M. Trauma and Fibromyalgia: Is There an Association and What Does it Mean? Semin Arthritis Rheum 2000 Feb; 29(4): 200-16.
White KP, Ostbye T, Harth M. Perspectives on Posttraumatic Fibromyalgia: A Random Survey of Canadian General Practitioners, Orthopedists, Physiatrists, and Rheumatologists. J Rheumatol 2000 Mar; 27(3): 790-6.